Author Holly Reimer
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Reflection: v.8, ‘The message of the cross’
For me, the message of the cross speaks to the very beauty and quality of humanity. God values each and every life. Every life has meaning and purpose. This has always been an important concept for me as I think not only about my own life, but also for those who come in and out of my life (and even those I may never meet). God cares about children who wonder where their next meal is, if their parents really love them, and question why they were put on this earth. God cares about the foreigner who is escaping genocide and violence, desperate for a glimmer of something safer.
God cares about the individual struggling with their gender or sexual identity, feeling isolated, alone, and unheard by loved ones. God cares about those struggling to fight the voices in their heads who tell them they are unworthy, or the voices that speak so loudly they feel real. God cares about our struggles with addictions and the things that keep us from living healthy, full lives. God cares about men and women born with varying levels of melanin. The list is longer than I could ever create or imagine, because God cares for every human being. This is the message of the cross. But it doesn’t end here. The message of the cross creates energy inside my being that propels me to love in such a way that no one ever questions their value and worth. This is God’s wisdom, not wisdom of the world. The leaders and authorities challenged Jesus for loving this way, and it challenges us in similar ways. I want God’s wisdom and power, a wisdom that denies prejudice.
Prayer God, may we live and love wisely like you do through your example of the cross, and less foolishly as the world has shown. Change our hearts and lives to see all of creation through your eyes. Amen.