Author Brittany Fiscus-van Rossum
Reflection: v.31 ‘I will make a new covenant’
At Mercy we share in communion every Sunday. The pastors take turns presiding at the table, so I am often blessed with the opportunity to lead there. As I pour bright grape juice into a cup, I speak a version of the words of institution, reminding us that this cup is a new covenant. Over many weeks of speaking these words I have started weaving in some practiced liturgy of my own.
Behind my mask I smile and remind my community that a ‘new covenant’ is just a fancy way of saying that God is faithful to us. We see it here in the words of Jeremiah, in which God notes that though the people of God broke their side of the covenant, God remains faithful. I believe that is part of what we are called to remember at the table. And though we hear these ‘fancy’ oft-recited words frequently, do we remember, as they tell us to do, that God is faithful to us? There are a lot of people out there who will try to tell you who God is and what God is about. Sometimes our sacred scriptures get used to push people down or leave people out—or worse, sometimes they are used to perpetuate violence, racism, and bigotry. This is part of why I believe it is so important to talk about who God is and remind ourselves of this often, lest we forget, or start to believe that God is as hateful, vengeful, or bigoted as we can be to one another. No, beloved, our God is faithful. Our God loves human beings. Remember this promise.
Prayer Write it on our hearts that we may remember your faithfulness!