By: Holly Reimer
John 1: 1-14
Reflection—v.9 ‘The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world’
It’s amazing how often light is taken for granted. It happens when we are stumbling around in the dark, in the middle of the night and our pinky-toe finds a piece of furniture that we’ve forgotten was there. It happens when we find a mark on our bodies that we didn’t realize was there until the light hits it ‘just so.’ In both the darkness and in the light, these things are there, just the same. But it is the light that illuminates the truth. It opens our eyes to see something we haven’t seen before. One of my favorite things about each day is looking out into the sky and finding the cacophony of colors God creates. I see it in the morning sky with the new appearance of light. I see it in the diminishing of light at the end of the day. True light enlightens everyone because, as one of our earlier Advent texts reminds us, there will be others who come proclaiming to be light. These lights are flashy, misleading, misguiding. But the true light opens our eyes to see a reflection of how we have been acting and how we are missing God. From the beginning and in Christ’s birth, there is a radical life that comes from God. In God’s light, our lives shall never be dimmed, and in God’s love, we should never become discouraged.
Prayer: Dear God, let me see all that you would truly have me see.