By: Maggie Leonard
Titus 2:11-14
Reflection—v.11 ‘For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all’
I was recently privy to a conversation between two dear pastor friends, Rev. Cassandra Henderson and Terrence Smith, both of whom are much wiser than I am. They were talking about how easy it is to dismiss prosperity theology–the belief that God will graciously provide material wealth to the faithful. This theology is often times looked down upon in mainline, white churches and is often preached in poorer contexts. It feels cheap and icky. However, they went on to muse about ways in which more affluent contexts cheapen the love of God–through a theology of grace, undeserved forgiveness. Really, it’s all about what one needs. Poor people depend on God to provide for their welfare, because the state and their communities won’t–in fact those entities often place barriers in their way to achieving well-being. Conversely, more affluent people need spiritual grace. Their material welfare is provided for, but they know that they fall short of offering the love of God to others. They blindly hurt others through personal gain and judgements. But y’all, the good news is that the ‘grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all!’ I can’t help but think, if we notice our biases, we might be able to participate in God’s work of grace-giving, with no type of grace more special or ‘right’ than the other. This Christmas, let us give gifts of grace to one another! All of God’s beautiful children can get their needs met.
Prayer: God of abundant grace, help us to be grace-givers too.