Author Maurice Lattimore
Mark 8:31-38
Reflection: v. 38, ‘For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it’
This made no sense at all to me in my early days—Jesus dying and raising to life in three days, or the idea that in losing your life, you could gain life. This was straight nonsense. But little did I know, that after years of hell and madness that led to all kinds of unrighteous living, that these very words would come to be a reality in a life like mine. Amen!
In God having no preference of people, and in my falling on my knees asking for forgiveness, God accepted me into the family and gave me understanding on spiritual things I did not know before. Now I know what it means to lose your life in order to gain real life. When this transformation takes place in your life you begin to look at other things higher than yourself. Amen!! Because you have been reborn into the loving family of Christ Jesus, welcome to the family of hope, peace, love and much forgiveness. Amen!!
Prayer Help us, O Lord, to find our lives in you who saves us!