Author: Holly Reimer
Philippians 1:3-11
Reflection: v.6, ‘the one who started a good work in you will stay with you’
As I read through this verse, I think about two words we use a lot in our community: recovery and process. We all find ourselves either actively participating in recovery or in need of recovery from something. The second word, process, speaks to something that is in motion and fluid. Both process and recovery go hand-in-hand. God has begun a good work in all of us and desires this good work, whether it is recovery and/or some form of grace and love. The best part? God is not a God who is going to begin a work in us and get distracted, or lose interest, leaving us to wonder what happened. God is going to go with us on the journey. God partners with us. We have not and will not be abandoned. The work of goodness, love, justice, and mercy can be difficult and isolating. We are often fighting against powers and systems in the world that are a complete 180 from God’s ways. It can be tiring work to look within ourselves and come face-to-face with our trauma and pain instead of looking into a bottle, swiping our credit card, or staring mindlessly into a screen. Dear friends, remember that no matter what stage of the process we are in, in all of it, we are never alone.
Prayer Lord, thank you for the good work that you have begun in us all, and for your presence with us along the journey. Amen.