2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Author: Gregory Brown
Reflection: v. 20, ‘we are ambassadors for Christ’
This letter to the Corinthians is a work of art. I love the letters to the Corinthians because these words are what started my own religious search. They broke down everything for me. This passage talks about the ministry of reconciliation. To me, that describes the heart of things. Every person on earth can be reconciled, rejoined together, and made whole and made new. This passage says that from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view, though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, he goes on to say, if anyone is in Christ, we are experiencing a new creation.
When I read these words, first of all, it broke things down for me. It lets me know how my Christian walk should be, since I have been redeemed. If I have been redeemed and reconciled unto God, that’s a blessing to me. So every day that I get up, I must make that day notable. I must be thankful to God that God has redeemed and reconciled me. It is a blessing to know that I am an ambassador for Christ. Somebody might ask, ‘Well, how do I consider myself an ambassador?’ I can consider myself an ambassador for Christ because anyone can be someone who speaks on behalf of Christ. I feel like I do that everyday that I get up and I serve my community or someone in my community. I’m actually being an ambassador in doing what God wants me to do.
Prayer Make me your ambassador, O Christ, in the ways I serve my community.