John 12:1-8
Author: Holly Reimer
Reflection: v. 3, ‘she anointed Jesus’ feet with it, then wiped his feet dry with her hair’
Mary is holding a posture of humility. Have you ever knelt before someone? Whether they are sitting or standing, allowing yourself to become lower than they are? In kneeling before Jesus, Mary communicates silently that she is yielding control to him, that he is of great importance to her in that very moment. It also allows her to communicate her focus on Jesus alone in this moment. When we kneel before one another, we take away threats of power or authority and allow ourselves to simply be present. Although the scripture doesn’t say this, I imagine she takes her time, massaging the oil into Jesus’ feet, taking care with every inch. Feet can be seen as one of the dirtiest parts of the body, and are often overlooked. Our feet get us from place to place, appointments, meetings, etc. Here is Mary, taking care of Jesus’ feet as she prepares them for his death, not worrying or listening to the critique of her use of such expensive oil. And then when she is finished, she uses what she has, her hair, to wipe Jesus’ feet dry. She takes what she has, bowing her head even lower. Mary takes this position to allow herself to submit to someone else, acknowledging the value and worth of Jesus, the person before her, and she cares for him. She cares for the one who is in front of her. Friends, I challenge us all to take such humble care of the ones who are before us. May we submit ourselves to the meek, the poor, the oppressed, and the forgotten. May we allow ourselves to become a little lower, more humble, and more kind.
Prayer Make us more humble, Lord, that we may be more attentive to those in need.